Sales Manager - Semi & MEMS Business Unit

Higor Batagin received his M.S. degree in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in 2012, in Brazil. With a postgraduate degree in Strategic Marketing Management and an Executive Master’s degree in Marketing and Sales, he moves to the Semiconductor Industry in 2019 as Sales Manager for the Semiconductor and MEMS Test Products business unit, to serve the customers based in the United States and expand SPEA's presence and business in this region.

Upcoming Events
Day 2
17:30 – 17:40
Ensuring Power Semiconductor Reliability: Testing SiC Semiconductor Devices at KGD Level
This presentation explores the critical role of comprehensive production testing at the Known Good Die (KGD) level for power semiconductor devices based on SiC technology. The manufacturing complexity and fabrication costs make die-level testing a crucial quality control step for these components. On one side, complexity brings a high potential for defects; on the other side, the need to minimize yield losses is crucial to ensure device affordability. Focusing on dynamic testing and especially on short circuit testing, we will present the specific challenges of performing these tests on KGD SiC devices, delving into the characteristics that test equipment must possess to face these challenges. The presentation will demonstrate how a comprehensive KGD test strategy enables manufacturers of SiC devices to minimize downstream production costs while achieving superior product quality and reliability.

Established in 1976, SPEA is a world leading company in the field of automatic test equipment for ICs, MEMS, sensors, electronic boards.SPEA serves the big semiconductor IDMs and OSATs with the most cost-effective and high-performance equipment to test automotive, SoCs, analog mixed-signal devices, MEMS sensors and actuators, power and discretes, identification devices, delivering highest measurement capabilities, lowest cost of test and fastest time-to-market.SPEA systems are designed to detect any possible defect in electronic products, so that they won’t fail on the field. High throughput, best detection capability, test techniques designed on the latest technologies requirements, complete configurability. For SPEA customers, testing is not an additional cost, but a tangible competitive advantage.