Amkor Technology, Inc.
Sr Director, Power Discrete & Modules

Michael joined Amkor in 2010 and is currently responsible for Power Discrete & Modules. Prior to joining Amkor, he held various R&D and process engineering positions at Flip Chip International and Adflex Solutions. Michael holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Arizona State University.

Upcoming Events
Day 2
14:05 – 14:25
An OSAT Perspective of the Power Semiconductor Market

When talking about the power semiconductor market, most outsiders would describe it with words like “mature”, “stable” and “simple” compared to the mobile and digital semiconductor markets. One look from the inside will tell you this is not true. With the continued adoption of Wide Band Gap (WBG) materials along with the market forces driving electrification and renewable energy, you will see that power is anything other than “simple”.

Power semiconductors are becoming increasingly important in the overall semiconductor supply chain and innovations need to keep pace with the need for clean, efficient, and higher power delivery. Although innovations in power generally follow the smaller/better/faster/cheaper engine that continues to drive the semiconductor industry, some interesting dynamics are depending on the application and target market. The traditional market wants to standardize, and the new applications value optimization. These competing forces can create havoc from a supply chain standpoint, and as the power semiconductor market trends towards increasing complexity, then manufacturing strategies will need to adapt. From an OSAT perspective, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity.

This presentation will discuss three key areas of the market from an OSAT perspective and look at lessons learned from past events in our industry to give us some insight into what the supply chain might look like as both WBG devices and power foundry services continue to grow with demand from automotive, industrial, compute and commercial applications.

Amkor Technology, Inc.

Amkor Technology, Inc. is the world's largest US headquartered OSAT (outsourced semiconductor assembly and test). Since its founding in 1968, Amkor has pioneered the outsourcing of IC packaging and test services and is a strategic manufacturing partner for the world's leading semiconductor companies, foundries, and electronics OEMs. Amkor provides turnkey services for the communication, automotive and industrial, computing, and consumer industries, including but not limited to smartphones, electric vehicles, data centers, artificial intelligence and wearables. Amkor's operational base includes production facilities, product development centers and sales and support offices located in key electronics manufacturing regions in Asia, Europe and the United States. Learn more at https://amkor.com