Dr. Seungho
SK Siltron CSS

Seungho Pi joined SK Siltron CSS in February 2024. He started his career at SK hynix after earning his Ph.D in 1995. He has led numerous crucial projects aimed at overcoming the limits of scaling. Notably, his team's achievements include a unique structure that maximizes the storage capacity of 3D NAND and a Fin Cell structure that overcomes the scaling limits of DRAM. In 2021, he moved to SK Siltron, where he made significant contributions to productivity improvement and quality enhancement.Seungho Pi graduated from Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, with a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering in 1989 and he got master's and Ph. D degree from KAIST In 1991 and 1995 respectively. He obtained around 100 patents from several countries.

Upcoming Events
Day 2
16:30 – 17:10

• Where is wafer processing going and enhancing manufacturing

• Current state of the supply chain and building resilience

• Considerations in inspection and metrology

SK Siltron CSS

At SK siltron css, we provide the global compound semiconductor industry with a reliable source of leading-edge, production-proven, high-crystal-quality silicon carbide (SiC) wafers and epitaxy services.

Our SiC technology and manufacturing expertise extends from crystal growth through wafer fabrication and epitaxy. We focus our R&D efforts on finding environmentally friendly solutions using renewable energy and sustainable manufacturing practices. Our latest-generation, wide-bandgap semiconductor materials are designed to help customers meet global demands for improved environmental sustainability, increased electricity demand and higher energy efficiency.

Drawing on decades of experience providing SiC materials and products, we continue to grow and double our capacity year over year. As a dedicated materials supplier, we focus on providing wafers and materials for critical compound semiconductor applications. We do not make devices or compete with our customers. We are backed by the resources and purchasing power of SK siltron.